Donald Trump Warning For Turkey only one​ to choose a Patriot from the US or S 400 from Russia

Turkey's Hurriyet reported that US President Donald Trump would cancel plans to sell Patriot missile systems to Turkey if Ankara refuses to abandon its plan to purchase the Russian S-400 missile system. According to Sputnik press release, on Friday, February 8, 2019.

Hurriyet newspaper reported on a source from a US official who spoke on condition of anonymity. "Turkey can buy a Patriot missile system in the future, but this is not possible if Ankara refuses to give up its purchase of the missile system," the official said. -400 from Russia ... and we will do everything to protect our national security, if necessary. "

Donald Trump Warning For Turkey only one​ to choose a Patriot from the US or S 400 from Russia Donald Trump Warning For Turkey only one​ to choose a Patriot from the US or S 400 from Russia Reviewed by Phan Chetra Sofficial on February 09, 2019 Rating: 5

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